Sunday, October 30, 2011

Know Fear

Ah, happy Halloween, one and all. Welcome to the time of year when everything you fear comes to the forefront to taunt and tickle you. This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite times of the year. So keep your eyes and ears open for that extra chill and the occasional ghostly laugh.

That said, what really frightens me THIS year is the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters. They've been out there long enough to look AND smell like the walking dead. But you can tell they're not zombies yet...even ZOMBIES are more focused in what they want than the protesters. The Wall Street Occupiers would likely say "Braaaains...well, maybe a lower income taxxxxx...and more about those unionssss...and regulate Wall Streettttttt...THEN maybe a brain or twooooooo." But the protests have started to get violent. People in Oakland were hit with tear gas and other non-lethal weapons as police tried to get them to move along. Let's take a look at some of the crime at the protests in Portland, Oregon, as presented briefly on a TV station there:

*facepalm* Well, at least now I know that graphic designer is VERY afraid this time of year. Jobbbbbbbb...and braaaaaaaains...

(By the way, what frightens ME most this year is the report that Lindsay Lohan is posing in Playboy. Ew. Why would I pay to see something I could see for free in any New York clinic?)


1 comment:

Bridget said...

I can't believe this doesn't have any comments! I have so many, I can't remember the funny ones!

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Anyway, if Reille Hunter can pose for playboy -- I mean GQ -- and make money, then why can't young Linds? Maybe she can get the Muppets to pose with her since they're looking for exposure. I can just see Animal looking at her with the eyes of the pink pillow pet from Reille's shoot!

Or, maybe she'll just pose with a bunch of heroin needles.