Sunday, October 20, 2013

So Now THAT'S Over...Right????

Welcome back to Thinking Hard as we COUNT down to Halloween! (get it? it's a Dracula pun...never mind) And it feels a little like "Trick or Treat" in Washington. This week, the "Treat" was that Congress pulled its head out of its collective ass and finally passed a bill to both end the federal shutdown AND avoid the debt ceiling deadline, which saved the country's credit rating. Yay, right? Not really. Because the bill only delays the issue until after the first of the year...when a NEW deadline is expected to be reached. And Congress STILL doesn't have its budget issues ironed out! What the fuck, Congress? Are you done crying for your MUMMY yet? (see what I did there? it's another Halloween season pun...ah, forget it) And that's not even the "Trick." The figurehead for a lot of the shutdown issues... the guy who spoke for SEVERAL hours and even quoted (in terrible fashion) Dr. Seuss...Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz...says, party be damned, he's heavily considering trying to shut down the government AGAIN! All to get rid of the program that he perceives (though is not directly quoted as saying...I acknowledge I'm putting words in his mouth here) Obamacare as the devil. Worse than the holocaust. Is responsible for the deaths of millions of people!...oh, wait, that's right, the only part of it that's taken effect so far is the SIGN UP!!! Chill! The! Fuck! Out! God forbid someone ELSE have an idea that might actually WORK! And if it doesn't??? Elect your guy into office in 2016 and have him/her (let's be's the, "him") repeal it! It only works in your favor if the big O puts a huge plan into effect that fucks the democrats! You'll have NO PROBLEM coming up with campaign fundraising if the plan fails! But that's not the issue, is it? It's "What if this works?" You're concerned that a successful plan will make the Tea Party look like a bunch of backwoods morons who should go back to making moonshine in their bathtubs. Which means you'll lose support to a republican who might actually be interested in getting something DONE in Washington. But hey, Mr. Cruz, that's cool. Go back to your pet project of trying to get a republican elected in 2016 by shutting down the government. Go back to fucking the American people. Don't stop not thinking about tomorrow. Maybe at some point the American people will realize what you and several others on Capitol Hill are doing and vote you out of office. Actually, come to think of it, that probably won't happen. So when Tea Party republicans knock on my door for a donation, I'm going to egg them and turn the hose on them. Trick or treat.


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