Friday, November 29, 2013

Dear Mr. Baldwin, Would You Like To Work For Thinking Hard?

I know, I'm late or early, depending on how you want to view it. It's the holidays. I'm full of tryptophan. And I can't understand why all of my snow-covered patio furniture pictures aren't making it on my local TV station...

Yeah, people, fuck you. If we as local TV stations are gonna put out the request for your shitty-ass pictures, the least you can do is have the common decency not to be a lazy fucking ho-bag and go OUTSIDE and take pictures of your crappy patio furniture. Because, y'know, we just don't have time to take shitty-ass pictures of snow outside. Hey, we only have a couple of cameras and people barely competent enough to use them...what are we, miracle workers?

Hey it's Black Friday. On the competition this morning, viewers saw shoppers clamoring to get into a local mall. On our station, video from the same local mall showed...a couple people here, a couple people there, just casually wandering in. I wonder if we missed anything.

I don't really have anything else besides Alec Baldwin getting tossed from MSNBC. When the network announced he was getting his own talk show after all of the bad publicity he'd been getting for going after the paparazzi, I really wondered if it was just a ratings stunt. And now he's gone. So I imagine we'll see him with his own podcast or online talk show. Maybe MSNBC could book Stephen...he seems like less of a troublemaker. Also, my 15-years-ago self just had an aneurysm at that statement.


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