Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sooo...It's Snowing

Yup. So there's that.

Hey, do you know who Samuel L. Jackson is? Y'know, Pulp Fiction? "Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" "Go ahead, say 'What' one more time, mother fucker, I DARE you!" Yeah, that guy. Ummm...this entertainment anchor from LOS FUCKING ANGELES had a slight problem...and Sammy called him out HARDCORE. This. Is. Epic.

I love Sam Jackson. And Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel. I hear he's a dick to work with sometimes. But THIS? This is SOOOOO worth it.

Hey, kid, Ninja Tip #23...DON'T SCREAM WHILE YOU'RE RUNNING AT SOMEONE YOU'RE TRYING TO SURPRISE. You're pretty much just ASKING for a knee to the junk. Speaking of knees to the junk, I have a 12-hour shift of snow coverage coming up...and a hotel stay that will keep me from my apartment. Gotta jet.


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