Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Well Ain't That Just A Mutha...Nature

Hey, welcome back to the defrosted Thinking Hard blog. The offices were filled with several inches of snow last week...and because North Carolina only owns about 3 snowplows, it's a wonder I even got back to my apartment from work. Seriously. My complex didn't shovel or scrape or anything. It's a good thing I don't live on a hill...oh, wait...

I know I've been kinda lax lately with the blogging and such. Sorry. My personal life abounds with busyness...or is that business? Anyway, I'd like to point out the passing of Hollywood legend Sid Caesar. His show was essentially the precursor to Saturday Night Live...with OR without a black woman in the cast. Also, I don't know if you caught that Philip Seymour Hoffman passed. I think WABC in New York is still a little confused...

Remember, kids, ALWAYS check the spelling of your tweets. Hey, a quick shout out to Jimmy Fallon, who started his (hopefully not brief) stint as Tonight Show host last night. He had a lot of cameos, including Tracy Morgan, Tina Fey and Stephen Colbert, who welcomed him "to 11:30, bitch!" Hope it goes well for you Jimmy! I'm also looking forward to Seth Meyers taking over the 12:30am spot. He's pretty funny and seems like a nice enough dude.

Hey, back to the snow. You remember the debacle a couple weeks ago in Atlanta where the roads were just piled upon by white shit? Well, folks there claimed to be prepared, but local TV stations wanted to make SURE people understood they could be stuck on the roads again and what a terrible situation it could be. I'm sure this cost someone their job, but this is probably most informative graphic I have EVER seen on a TV station...

I would also have added "Fuck you if you think you're going out in this shit, young man/woman!" Speaking of, I saw Dallas Buyers Club...Jared Leto is REALLY good as a cross dresser. And it's a really good movie. I liked it more than I expected. You should check it out. As for me, I'm out. No, not like Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club. Just outta here. Stay warm!


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