Tuesday, December 9, 2008

An Ode to Winter

Oh, Winter...
How you gently caress our faces with
little flakes of frosty delight.
How you bring in strong winds to
blow our high-profile vehicles across the roads.
And, yes, you continue to bring smiles
to the faces of the sane
as others around us fear the "falling white death."
Oh, Winter, we love you for your joy and mockery.

Actually, from a local TV news perspective, this producer in Chicago probably said it best... and the anchors cemented the point of how ridiculous the viewing public can be. Enjoy!



Anonymous said...

OHMYGOD I think I'm in love with this producer:) I'm totally checking out his breakfast blog-maybe a new page to stalk so I don't have to rag on your ass so much;) haha

thanks for the laugh-we miss you at work, though I'm sure you *don't* miss us!

Anonymous said...

check this one. its not about Vinter, but it is awesome.
Sounds like Blaine-y talking to John McCain on the Satellite interview!!

Anonymous said...

i'm an IDOT.


Anonymous said...

we would lose our fucking jobs!
i bet that's why we have our own room...nice controlled environment-you can only hear me when i talk to stickley haha

he said gd on air. and told her not to look. she's good. wow. i'd have loved to be a fly on the wall after THAT show!

ps...you is not IDOT. You is DiRECTor