Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is It Over YET???

Welcome back, friends, to Thinking Hard, and I have to start this blog with some sad news...Michael Jackson is DEAD! I know, I know, hard to believe. He'll be best remembered for diddling little boys and being the King of...

...wait, what? Haven't I already done this? TWICE??...yes, yes I have.

In what can only be described as a completely abysmal lack of anything to do, 30-plus-million people tuned in Tuesday afternoon (when they should have been working...maybe they're just unemployed...I hear that's going around) to watch a 4-hour tribute to Michael Jackson. Another SIXTY-PLUS-MILLION Jack-holes tuned in to watch it online (seriously, don't these people WORK???). And apparently the ceremony will cost the city of Los Angeles about $1.4 million. This from a state that has yet to iron out a budget and is already taking three furlough days a month for its state an economy where no one's hiring and everyone's getting canned. I saw a report last week with a guy who's working for the DMV and had to get free food from charity organizations because he's NOT WORKING and NOT GETTING PAID (maybe he also watched the Jackson memorial). Apparently working for the California state government is as lucrative as working for Enron in 2001. But, hey, as long as they were able to set aside $1.4 MILLION DOLLARS for a Jackson memorial at the STAPLES CENTER! Seriously, that's basically an overpriced state burial for a homeless person. They might as well have charged $20 admission for the memorial (or $100 for a skybox) just to compensate. I realize Jackson did a lot for blacks/whites/grays in the music industry yadayadayada, but he's dead. It's done. I don't give a shit WHERE his body is right now (though, my standing theory is they used it to replace his figure in the wax museum. Let's face it, with all the plastic in his body, he's better preserved than ANY wax figure...though he might still melt under the lights...). We all know drugs killed him...I don't give a shit WHAT the name of the drugs are or if he killed himself to be marketed under the new name MARTYR Jackson. And let's face's the media's fault this has gotten out of hand. A "One Week Later" live show from the Today Show? Really, Matt Lauer? Is this the new summer sweeps series on Today called "Which circle of hell is Matt Lauer drowning in?" I'm done ranting. Almost...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Rippy Awards - Celebrity Crypts
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day I'm done.

In other things that are more interesting than Michael Jackson, a guy in Nevada went to court for the right to put a HOE on his car. Do not adjust your computer monitor...or your eyes. You DID read that correctly. William Junge wanted a specialized plate way back in 1999 that showed his love for Lake Tahoe. But when he was told "TAHOE" had already been taken, he decided to shorten it to just "HOE." Ten years later, the Department of Motor Vehicles took the 62-YEAR-OLD "HOE" lover to court to block his use of the plate. The judge in the case gave the ruling equivalent of "You gotta be fucking kidding me...why are we even here?" Hey, at least he got to keep the plate. Imagine if he was a tofu lover...


1 comment:

JESS said...