Actually, let me hit briefly on the subject of insane people. This week, three tornadoes ripped through our area, killing at least one person and injuring several others. Of course, that meant live tornado warning coverage that broke into regularly scheduled network programming. That meant viewers calling in to local TV stations and complaining that the dangerous weather coverage was interrupting their valued shows. Really, people? REALLY?! First, that live coverage might have saved some lives. Second, is your show THAT important? I mean, I'm a BIG TV junkie. My DVR STILL has crap on it from three weeks ago because I just have that much to watch. But I also know how to READ A BOOK or TALK TO PEOPLE to pass the time! Seriously, those stupid fuckers are contributing to the dumbing down of society! And third...come on, people. This is the technology age. You think your "valued shows" won't be available on the internet in the next 24 hours? How stupid and selfish are you? Tell you time there's a tornado in your neighborhood, I hope the TV stations go ahead and just air "Dancing with the Stars" and run a little graphic at the bottom of the screen that reads "Tornado War--aw, never mind. Fuck you."
And one more person on the list of "Are You Fucking Kidding Me???"...police say a Florida woman was deep into an enthralling game of the popular Facebook game "Farmville" when she heard her baby crying. So she got up from the game...and shook the baby to death! Are you fucking kidding me???
Okay, now I'm done with insane people. Now I can focus on politicians, who are almost as insane. What, you don't believe me? Consider this year's political ads:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Midterm Teapartyganza - Indecision 2010 - Negative Campaigning | ||||
That's Jon Stewart, who held this week's "Daily Show" episodes in our nation's capital. He was there for this weekend's Rally to Restore Sanity. Congrats to him and the entire Daily Show crew...they had a MASSIVE turnout. Call it a success for sanity. Hell, Stewart even interviewed President Obama. Here's a recap of that interview:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Midterm Teapartyganza - Next Media Animates Barack Obama Interview | ||||
It seems one political challenger is already getting a lot of attention. Remember THIS guy from the New York governor's race?:
That's candidate Jimmy McMillan, and now there's a talking ACTION FIGURE for McMillan. The figure says "The rent is Too. Damn. High." But here's the catch...the figure is priced at $49.99. The action figure's price is Too. Damn. High. Also, Alvin Greene is calling...he wants a figure that spouts his catch phrase: Jim DeMint started the recession.
Speaking of viral sensations, how about THIS guy getting a new job:
(Bonus points for every Antoine Dodson costume you see this Halloween.) Maybe Dodson will be the new Slap-Chop spokesman.
Y'know the other fun part about the Halloween season? Sports. Now, anyone who's ever heard me speak will tell you I'm not a huge sports nut. But I AM a big fan of crazy sports coverage on TV. Consider this guy, covering the World Series:
And with the latest 3D technology, I'd like to see some sports highlights replayed in 3D, like this one:
Can we get Sarah Palin hired to operate a handheld camera at future hockey games?
Happy Halloween...and we'll see you after Election Day.