Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Midterm Victory For Fox News

Let's hear it for Fox News! The crew over at Rupert Murdoch's stronghold posted big election night ratings Tuesday...AND they got the GOP back in power in the House! What a huge night for Fox! Thank you, Fox, for proving that the American public WILL believe anything they see on TV. Actually, if you have a few minutes, Jon Stewart spoke with Fox anchor Chris Wallace after the elections, and I was actually surprised to see someone with journalistic integrity working for the big F...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Chris Wallace Extended Interview
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity

So, yeah, another midterm election is in the books, and President Obama likely has a huge hangover because the House is now controlled by republicans and the democrats lost a few seats in the Senate. But again, I'd like to point out the squandered opportunity the democrats had to push through anything they wanted in the past two years. Instead, they played fair...and got next to nothing done. Tucker Max says it best: Assholes Finish First (now available at bookstores nationwide).

It was a pretty brutal campaign season. I showed a clip last week of Jon Stewart talking about all of the negative ads run in this year's campaign...and then I considered what would have happened if the founding fathers of our country had access to television and campaign spending:

But, hey, bonus points for anyone who went out this year and blew 20 minutes trying to figure out those electronic voting machines. Remember...elderly + techonology = explosions. At least they got out and voted. Bristol Palin was SO busy with her incomprehensible run on "Dancing with the Stars" that gosh, she plum forgot all about her silly little absentee ballot (tee hee). Look, Bristol, I know you've got a lot on your plate, dancing in gorilla costumes and whoring yourself out to every media outlet who will pay any attention to you (kinda like high school, no?), but how long can it possibly take to fill out an absentee ballot and mail it in??? You don't even have to GO anywhere except a MAIL BOX!! Oh, if only that could happen in 2012...

There IS some bad news to come with the midterm elections: Alvin Greene lost his bid to be senator of South Carolina. I know, I know, I'm heartbroken too. Can you imagine all of the awesome soundbites that would've been on the 24-hour networks for the next several months?? Ah, well, let's give him a proper send-off with video from his sparsely-attended concession party. See if YOU can figure out why he showed up (because I can't):

Finally, the days of drunk-texting are now behind us...and drunk-facebooking are here. Yes, somehow, people who are too drunk to operate a motor vehicle are finding ways to get home and somehow TYPE random crap on people's walls. Frankly, I didn't know there was a problem until I saw the OTHER Blaine Clark's facebook page. "I'm Blaine Clark, bitch"...CLEARLY that guy is drunk. So James Hartsell was kind enough to show me the next wave of anti-drunk-facebooking technology:

Social Media Sobriety Test from TDA_Boulder on Vimeo.

I'm still working on an app that will prevent people with a low IQ from calling TV stations...that includes the talent.



Katie said...

I'll send you money to develop that app.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, man...
I thought YOU were the OTHER Blaine Clark?
But then again, the OTHER Al' Greene is the crazy one too.