Sunday, April 17, 2011

Counting Up To 200 Posts...

Only a few more weeks and we at Thinking Hard will hit our 200th post...which I think is good for a free burrito at Qdoba or something like that.

Big news out of Charlie Sheen this week...he said in a radio interview this week he thinks there's an 85% chance he'll be re-hired to star in "Two and a Half Men." As long as he's forecasting, he can also mention a 100% chance of complete delusion. Look, I'm all about talented people in Hollywood getting a second chance after they've had a bad day or something like that. But, first, Sheen's "bad day" was a meltdown that rivals the one the people in Japan are worried about. Second, I said TALENTED. Sheen's a big name and was a popular actor in the 80s and 90s, but let's face it...without "Two and a Half Men," he would be reliving that opening (and closing) scene of the classic film "Sunset Boulevard," where the guy is laying face down in the water, presumably drowned, in the pool of a posh mansion. I'm an old-school kind of guy, who believes if someone you work with is an asshole who's easily replaceable, he should be replaced...whether it be on a sitcom or on a morning TV news show. There's no excuse for treating your co-workers like shit, regardless of how big you think you are.

Speaking of how big they think they are, let's talk the federal budget. So, the government didn't shut down and we have a new budget...that'll run us until September, when we can start all this bullshit all over again. Seriously, I'd move to Canada if it wasn't for the shitty weather. And I'd move to London if I didn't have to deal with that obnoxious wedding in a couple of weeks. And I'd move to Japan, but...well, I don't necessarily need an extra arm coming out of my forehead. So, thanks big government, for helping us realize we're SOOOO much better off in a democracy than a monarchy! Keep up that "hard work!"...asses.

Hey, you know what I found this week? A feed full of clever ways Borders Bookstores employees found to say "fuck you" to the customers who bailed on them for online retailers (*cough* Amazon! *cough*). Let's sit back and enjoy a look at people who, much like some people in TV, have lost all will to live:


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