Sunday, May 15, 2011

Two And A Half Meh (Now Fortified With Ashton Kutcher)

Well, Jon Cryer, you had a good run at it.

Hey, welcome back to the almost-as-spectacular-as-#200 blog #201 here at Thinking Hard. Seriously, I did a SHITload of drinking in celebration of last week's momentous occasion. Sure, I might have done a striptease the next day at work, but I didn't do NEARLY as bad as THESE newspeople behaving badly:

(Thanks James for tracking down this video.)

Sometimes, it's just an occasional subtle misspelling:

(It's SEPARATED...with two As)

(Um, you have just one extra I there...too bad that was a commercial. I bet someone got bitch-slapped for that one.)

Or you could just be the news director former news director at WSYR. He resigned this week after an email was sent out to the ENTIRE STATION that he was having an affair with a consumer affairs reporter. This wasn't just a "reply all" situation. This was intentionally sent out to every person with a company email address. The reporter is still employed. Many at the station believe the news director's DAUGHTER sent out the email using her father's account. "Yeah, Dad, fuck you! That's for all those nights when you crept into my bedroom and asked me if I wanted to work out with your Shake Weight 'Toddlers & Tiaras' pageants!"

But you know me...almost no one in news will be a bigger douchebag than anyone at Fox News...

Man, I wish I worked for a place where an idle conversation of "You'll never guess what I heard..." or "Hey, I hear Billy Graham is in the hospital..." turns into the top story of the week.


1 comment:

Katie said...

I rarely have the attention span to watch 7 minutes of anything... but 7 minutes of Shake Weight goodness-- I'm on board. HILARIOUS.