Sunday, February 26, 2012

And Now...Lady Issues

Before I start this special blog for the ladies, happy Lent. You know Lent.. it's the 40 days before Easter, when people generally give up something they like or take on something they don't like. Take the Pope for example...he's going to tweet once a day during Lent. So he apparently gave up sanity for 40 days. And speaking of being insane, a special FUCK YOU to all of you dumb pieces of shit who mobbed the malls Friday for the ugly-ass Nike "Is That Even A Real Word" Foamposite Galaxy in, "Police tell us the murder suspect was last seen wearing a pair of Nike Foamposite Galaxy shoes." Also, the $220/pair shoes glow in the dark, so people are going to see you running away from those late night murders. And just like those ridiculous Air Jordans that were released a few weeks ago, finding a white guy in the crowd is near impossible. Again, the black economy must be fantastic. Why must I be so white?

Alright, onto the special Lady Issues...first, let's touch on Virginia's passage this week of a bill making it a little more awkward for women to get an abortion:

The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Punanny State - Virginia's Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Um...yeah, that's all of the Lady Issues I really have this week. Unless you count the female sense of humor:

Ahahahahahaha! Yes! They got into a serious car crash because of HIGH GAS PRICES! Not only is that HILARIOUS, but it's TIMELY!

Let me give a shout-out to a special lady before I wrap this up: Taylor Swift. Now, now, I sense you pulling away from me in disgust. This isn't one of THOSE shout-outs. This is more of a "Thank you for restoring my faith in human decency" thing. See, an 18-year-old guy who's been suffering from leukemia and/or cancer much of his life wanted nothing more than to ask Taylor Swift to prom. His sister, who loves him very much, started a Facebook campaign (one of the few times I can say "Facebook" without vomiting) to drum up support. After 90,000 people joined in the effort, Taylor Swift declined the offer...and instead offered to take him to the Academy of Country Music awards. Truly a PR move, but she didn't have to acknowledge him at all. Instead, she avoids a ton of teenage fanatics (and their fathers) to let a guy with a deadly disease walk a red carpet. Classy. I wish other people were just as kind...instead of using Facebook to bitch about their jobs.


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