Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dammit Youtube!

Okay, so it's been a rough week around the country. Mitt Romney keeps squeaking by with caucus and primary victories. Monkees singer Davy Jones died. The New Orleans Saints are about to be joined by new players Boba Fett and Dog...because they're a bunch of bounty hunters. (Seriously, anyone see this? The Saints paid defensive players to injure players on offense during the '09, '10, and '11 seasons. Ridiculous.) And a crapton of deadly tornadoes sprouted this week. Seriously..tornadoes in February??? WTF?? So I figured we could all use a good laugh. So I was going to use a video clip of a sports anchor who pre-recorded his morning sports segment and stopped midway through by saying "Son of a bitch...okay, let's do it 3, 2, 1..." but when I went back for the clip today, it's been removed because it's "copyright material" (read: embarrassing for the news station involved), so I have to go with the next best thing: a sports anchor in San Diego calling Danica Patrick a bitch:

I was also going to use a clip of a student shadowing a meteorologist being caught on camera during a weather segment, but again, I've been "copyright materialed." So you're stuck with a pretty funny segment from The Daily Show:

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Here's our Thinking Hard Pundit Prep Sheet:

Talking Points:
Bash The Idiots Who Have Talking Points

Be Funny

Don't Threaten To Sue Youtube To Get Videos Taken Down

Tell Local TV Stations To Take A Fucking Joke

That is all.

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