Sunday, April 29, 2012

So, "World Peace"...that's an IRONIC name change, right?

Welcome back, sports fans, to Thinking Hard. A quick update since I'm sure you're all following the stats: Thinking Hard has almost 7,900 pageviews! (since its inception several years ago) Keep working hard, dear readers, and we should hit the 10K mark by...say...2015? As I watch this season's political race, it reminds me a lot of a sports tournament. The NBA playoffs, if you will. Several contenders enter the fray, and then, one by one, they are whittled down to an eventual champion. A couple of weeks ago, Rick Santorum bowed out of the race. This week, Newt "He's Got The Cutest Little Baby Face..For A Philanderer" Gingrich plans to step out. And then there were two: Mitt Romney vs. presumptive winner Ron Paul. I'm, of course, kidding. Ron Paul is only still in the race because he has nothing to do with his retirement time...what? oh...I'm being told Paul is NOT bad. Anywho, this all but lays out an Obama vs. Romney battle royale for the White House in November. Thinking Hard's political views notwithstanding, it should be a VERY interesting campaign from both men...if anybody still gives a shit. Honestly, with all of the lead-up to the selection of the GOP candidate, it's made the republican camp look a little like an in-fighting train wreck. Now THAT'S interesting. Y'know, with a name like "Metta World Peace" (which, by the way, is the SECOND-DUMBEST name ever, right behind "Slutty McWhoresalot"), one would expect a kinder, gentler NBA player than the man formerly named Ron Artest. Because, well, he has WORLD PEACE in his damn name! So, let's check out the latest act of World Peace on the basketball court: And in other news, NATO has announced plans to start throwing elbows at the president of Iran. By the way, if anybody still gives a shit, World Peace has been suspended in the NBA. (I love the way that sounds) And, finally, the other major story coming out of sports this week...makes me want to stab myself in the face: Okay, one, a crying kid should only make the headlines if someone (read: me) has dropkicked them off a 5-story building. Hey, don't judge...KIDS BOUNCE! Two...really? If I could vote to have 5 random people removed from the face of the planet, it would be the whiny little brat who doesn't even UNDERSTAND the concept of a baseball thrown into the stands (he JUST WANTS IT! GIMME!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!), the two parents who (much like MANY parents nowadays) just can NOT get fucking CONTROL OF THEIR CHILD, and the douchebag who got the ball and started taking pictures of his soon-to-be trophy wife holding it. First, get used to that, pal, because she's going to be holding tight to MORE of your balls very soon.'s a BALL AT A RANGERS GAME. Who the fuck are the Rangers? You're probably the same asshole who gets excited by getting to touch a member of the LOSINGEST-RECORD-EVER Charlotte Bobcats! How bad must YOUR life suck? But, hey, to his credit, he says he never even heard the boy crying. Dude, if you have THAT talent, can you teach I can walk through Target without jumping into a murderous rage? "BUT I WANT IT!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Ah, children...the best reason for abstinence that I can think of. Hey, let's check in again with the whiny little brat and his parents. I'm sure their home life reflects something VERY healthy and the parents actually have great control of the boy, right?... Yup, totally healthy. Hey, Rangers, any chance you can start a "Free Leash For The Kid" Night at your regular season games? Like EVERY game? -B-

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