Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thanks Again

If you caught up with the blog in the middle of the week, you'll note we finally hit 10,000 pageviews! Woo-hoo! Seriously, I couldn't have that without you readers, so thanks from the bottom of my heart, and I can't wait until we hit 20,000! (well, let me lower my expectations slightly...11,000!) As I talk about lowered expectations, did anyone catch the presidential debate Wednesday? It's the first of 3 debates, and if this was a "Best 2 out of 3" debate format, I'd be a little uncertain as to whether debate number 3 would actually happen. Holy shit. Mitt Romney threw everything at President Obama, and the Prez just sat there and took it! I felt like I was watching an Ali-Frazier prizefight, and instead of "Down goes Frazier!" I heard "Why did Ali just decide to lay down???" If they were a couple of dogs that were rough-housing, President Obama rolled over and showed his belly...and Romney took that to mean the belly WAS NOW A TARGET! Mr. President, if I may...YOU SHOULD BE CLOBBERING HIM! Here's what Jon Stewart thought of the action:
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Democalypse 2012 - O Bama, Where Art Thou? Pt. 1
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The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Democalypse 2012 - O Bama, Where Art Thou? Pt. 2
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Seriously, I don't think Obama could've won the crowd if he'd busted out into Gangnam Style. There are two more debates to go...I hope Mr. Obama has the stomach for it. (worst segue ever in 3...2...1...) Hey, did anyone see the Wisconsin news anchor who's a little bit on the heavier side making the rounds on the talk shows this week? Here's why she's suddenly become a kind-of-household name... Holy shit! That chick just spent FOUR MINUTES on a MORNING SHOW speaking out against an asshole viewer! I say good for her. People in the media take a lot of shit from Average Joe Ass-scratcher sitting at home, thinking he can do the job in media better than the people working in the industry (in a few cases, he's right...don't tell him). These are the same assholes who believe that the replacement referees in the NFL should be set aflame to the delight of football fans everywhere. Hey, motherfuckers! You got a problem with what you're watching? Change the damn channel! Get your lazy fingers up and grab the remote and change it if you're not happy with it. Because the next time you, Joe Public, need "help" (read: retribution by putting some business that "done you wrong" on TV to screw that particular business) from a newsroom, they'll be less inclined to help. In fact, I've heard those phone calls and read those emails. Quite frankly, if you're not smart enough to realize you DIDN'T win an African lottery, then I'm not going to waste any of my already-anger-filled day on you. And more power to this anchor. Girls out there NEED more self-esteem! Their magazine racks are filled with 5'10" leggy blondes who don't eat more than a lettuce leaf a day just to get on the cover of a monthly rag that can't even make its subscription quota. (Sports Illustrated, I'm glancing in your general direction...) They're convinced if they don't look like that, they'll never be successful and no one will ever love them. So kudos to businesses who put normal-looking women in front of the cameras and in the magazine ads. Be you. Be happy about being you. Don't fit a mold...make a new one based around yourself. Because at the end of the day, an overweight news anchor from Wisconsin is getting more TV time than the asshole sitting in his recliner, bitching about how fat she is. I'm out. -B-

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