Monday, December 17, 2012

A Quick Note From The Road

Welcome back to the petulant 5-year-old that is Thinking Hard. I had every intention of not posting a blog while I'm on vacation, but I had to take a moment to address the tragedy in Connecticut last Friday. If you've been following this site for a while, you know I'm not a big fan of kids, especially little ones. That said, the shooting that happened in Newtown last week was a heinous, unconscionable act. Those little children did absolutely nothing to that asshole. They did not deserve to be killed, especially so close to Christmas. And he took the pussy way out by killing himself instead of facing the consequences of his actions. I realize he represents a very small minority of idiots who got hold of guns and used them to go on a killing spree. But with the movie theater shooting in July and now this, I think it's time for lawmakers to have a very adult conversation about what to do about guns... without considering the NRA lobbyists who are paying for their re-election campaigns. Because we're now leaving the realm of ludicrousness and entering the realm of complete and total bullshit. I know very sane people who have guns and don't go on shooting rampages. Let's have more of THAT behavior. And of you know someone or love someone who just doesn't seem quite right in the head, get them help NOW and don't wait for "your love" to change them. -B-

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