Sunday, December 2, 2012

We're Almost To Our 5-Year Anniversary!

The gift for a 5-year anniversary around Thinking Hard is paper. At least, that's what people keep littering on my desk. So, um, go ahead and keep it. December 12th is the date. Mark it. Commit it to memory. Or else I'll pout if you forget it and we'll go to bed angry. Let's start with some breaking news out of Chicago...with some broken news reporting: (Thanks, James, for sending that one in!) And now, a moment in news creativity. Lesson: always rewrite your scripts...or cut off Conan O'Brien's cable feed. Actually, for the record, only the first clip was about cyber Monday shopping. The others were about cyber Monday masturbating. Finally today, I'll like to toot my own horn for a moment. I've been nominated for a regional news Emmy award. It's my first and I'm very proud. (I'd briefly like to point out that my job is news is ENTIRELY SEPARATE from the blogs I post on this site...and the views and jokes I present here are in NO WAY related to my station or anything I do there. I'm quite professional...if a bit angry some the station and would NEVER allow any of what I write here to bleed into the responsible journalism I do on a daily basis) So, if you'd like to see the nomination party, my nomination shows up at 35:23... Thanks for letting me share something very personal and professional that I'm proud of. Hope you all have a great week and we'll see you back here next week. -B-

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