Sunday, January 13, 2013


No joke, Miss New York won the Miss USA pageant last night.. and beat out the southern belles of South Carolina and Oklahoma. I believe her first post-victory quote was "Wait til my boyfriend Vinny heahs abowt this! We'uh gunna DOO it awl night! But only in thuh ass because I'm savin' my vuhginity for Tom Brady. I LOVE YOU TOM!" Worth noting if you ever used it: the founder of Reddit committed suicide. I have nothing here, mostly because I'm limited in my online use to MySpace and Facebook. If you missed YouTube or the national news shows this week, apparently THIS is a thing now..., you're single? Shocker. Hey, I want to hit a little political action. Congress recently approved a bill that will give victims of Superstorm Sandy $9B...of the $60B they'd been asking for. And some republicans in Congress didn't even want to give them THAT much! Among them, brand-spanking-new North Carolina representative (and new chair of the Transportation Security Subcommittee...for some unknown reason) Richard Hudson. If you don't follow North Carolina politics, and why should you, here's his big campaign ad from before the November election... Every time I hear that tuba and look at Hoover, I keep thinking it implies the dog is farting. (Side note: the dog passed away in October. Sorry, Hoover.) Anywho, the freshman Congressman decided to ingratiate himself with his new constituents by showing them it's okay not to help people in other states if you don't have the money. Look, I understand we're in an economic crunch. I remember all the fiscal cliff bullshit and I'm looking forward to the spending deficit debate in the next few weeks. But COME ON! You KNOW it's going to pass! This is NOT one of those moments where you take your stand and look like a hero! This is one of those moments like when you see a guy hit by a bus and everyone's asking if anyone else knows CPR and YOU say, "Well, I DO, but I really need this air for my OWN body. So, um, I gotta get to work." Way to live up to your first name, Dick. Actually, Hudson showed up on Daily Show this week...talking about a fairly controversial topic. He's in the second clip...
The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Scapegoat Hunter
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The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Scapegoat Hunter - Gun Control
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Also, side note, some asshole in California ran around a movie theater (of all things), chasing someone and shooting at them. So, yeah, I'm sure the crazy gun people are right. And I trust if you bother to read this far down in this blog, you're not all that crazy and might actually be a responsible gun owner. Could I get you to tell your cohorts to stop being insane? Thanks. Preesh. Let's hit one more news topic...Jimmy Kimmel has been moved to 11:35pm on ABC. His talk show HAD been coming on just after midnight. Nightline has now been pushed to 12:35am. I say all this because this occasional segment on his show is one of my favorite segments... And now, a movie plot in 6 words...that I just didn't bother to post to that Twitter hashtag... "Aliens Invade. Heroes Unite. Hulk Smash." -B-

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