Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ah, The Randomness Of The Summer Doldrums

Do you like offensive Fox News interviews? Do you have 10 minutes to watch a guy who wrote a book about Jesus get grilled because he's a muslim and apparently muslims aren't allow to study or write about Jesus? Then have I got the clip for you:

If, for some reason, that's not your cup of tea...hey, thanks for sticking around! Maybe instead I could offer you this link to a blog from a now FORMER investigative reporter. In it, she offers some dirty little secrets of her job (and probably some things OTHER reporters nap in a news car...hey, they DO work long hours some days). And when word got out of the blog post, she got canned. If you want to see what gets someone fired from a job in news, this is a brief but interesting read.

What? I still haven't grabbed you? How about a warning for drivers in California that might be a little distracting?

Okay, fine, if nothing else has entertained you today, perhaps this little gem will. Apparently the jobs of garbagemen are now being outsourced...

So. Damn. Adorable.

Thanks for joining me for the quickie this week. We'll see if I feel like putting more words on your screen next week. Vote Weiner! (not the for my penis.)


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