Monday, December 31, 2007

Don't Be A H-'08-er

Most common complaint from me about the new year?

Nope, not the "I had to work at the station overnight on New Year's Eve AGAIN and this time, they caught me with the whiskey in hand" complaint.

Not the "I can't believe I paid $150 to stand here for two hours listening to a tone-deaf band and eat 'hors d'ouevres' that are really just Ritz crackers with spray cheese" complaint either.

And sadly, not the popular "Why doesn't Dick Clark just DIE already???"

My biggest complaint about the new year? "Why can't I remember to write the correct year on my checks until March?" If I'm going to make any kind of New Year's Resolution, it's going to be to REMEMBER THE DAMN YEAR!

For everyone out there looking back on the 2007 that was and the 2008 that can be, I hope you find a way to live your dreams in the next 366's a leap year.

From those of us at Thinking Hard, have a safe and happy new year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you as well!

I don't write checks (because I'm living in the 21st century...), but I will try and remember the year just the same.

I hope your holidays were happy. And, you shouldn't say mean things about Dick Clark.. just sayin'.. :-)