Thursday, December 27, 2007

Peruvian Invasion

Sorry I've been off Blog island. My future in laws are here from Peru.

Not Peru, Iowa (actually there are cities in eight states named Peru) the actual Peru, SOUTH America. Home of Incas, pan flutes and ruins.

This trip they've had what I like to call a Very Cracker Christmas. We've done it with both sides of the family and everything was smooth.... except for the weather.

I don't think her dad is adjusting to the Minnesota winter, which has been mild. Sure, we've seen close to record snow fall in December, but the temps have been in the mid 20s. For those of you reading abroad, that is nice compared to the negative highs we can see in January and February.

Its been perfect winter weather to be outside. On Christmas day we had an impromptu snowball fight. Really, it was a snow throw. The snow was not sticky enough to roll into balls (I wanted to build a Snow Hombre (man) but that was not to be) so it became more of a snow throw.

Other than the food orgy, I don't have anything too memorable from Christmas to tell you. Gifts were open, cookies were munched, then it was over.

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