Sunday, September 26, 2010

Katy Perry's Cooties: Too Hot For Elmo

...wait, wait, I'm being told I's her HOOTERS that are too hot for Elmo. My bad. Seriously, though, two notes: 1. who thinks it's appropriate for KATY PERRY to appear on Sesame Street? and 2. CHILDREN watching Sesame Street don't give a SHIT about her breasts...they just want to see Elmo. The only people watching who want to see Katy Perry's cleavage are the stay-at-home fathers who, apparently, are chained to the house by their overbearing wives.

Honestly, I could care less about seeing Katy Perry on TV. Same goes for Bristol Palin:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bristol Palin's Dancing Performance
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

That judging ceremony would've been a LOT funnier if it had gone like this: "Carrie Ann Inaba...6! Len Goodman...9! Bruno Tolioni...see if she'd stuck with THAT, she wouldn't have the baby!"

You know, Bristol Palin just goes to show you...the best things can come to you in the strangest packages. Remember the guy who appeared on THIS BLOG a few weeks ago, talking about a rapist in his community?:

Well, someone remixed Antoine Dodson's angry tirade into a song and slapped it on Itunes. Dodson received 50% of the profits...and made enough to move into a new home with his sister. He also plans to use some money to go back to school and finish his associate's degree in business. He'd like to open a salon. Um, Mr. Dodson, I'd like a little off the top and NONE of what you've done to your OWN hair.

Hey, you know what I like about public transportation? NOT TAKING IT:

Next we'll see a police officer pull over a swerving trash truck...the driver will say "Sorry, officer, I was just trying out this new app that allows me to drive this thing remotely." And they're worried about TEXTING and driving?

Hey, guess what controversial military policy ISN'T getting repealed in the near future:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Are We Run by A**holes?
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Seriously, conservatives? You DO realize that you could be sending homosexuals INTO a dangerous WAR ZONE where they could be killed! If you're SO against homosexuality, I would think that would work for you. But then, who would you hire as interns and pages and fondle in hotel rooms late at night, only to defend your actions later as "playing around." Fair enough.

One other item of note:

NEWS ANCHOR BARBIE is set to go on sale this month. Features include a microphone, notebook, heightened sense of self-worth and a voice-chip that includes such phrases as "Come ON, you've been working me for FOUR HOURS...I didn't even get any SLEEP last night" and "I DESERVE a promotion...don't you know who I am???" Bonus Ron Burgundy t-shirt reading "I'm Kind Of A Big Deal" sold separately.


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