Let me start today with an issue I addressed last week...federal tax cuts. So, after Congress decided not to go with extending Bush-era tax cuts last weekend, President Obama, Leader of the Free World, went to it to negotiate a deal with the GOP. And it's been quite a while since I've seen someone CAVE ON AN ISSUE SO EASILY! Seriously, Mr. President? Your argument for working out a deal to extend the tax cuts for everyone, INCLUDING WEALTHY SENATORS, is kind of a "Well, I'll agree to it, but House Speaker John Boehner and the other members of the GOP will eventually have to own up to their mistake." I like the IDEA of the justification, Mr. Obama. I LIKE the idea of telling the GOP they can fuck up anything they like, but come election time, they'll have to pay for it. However, you seem to have forgotten something: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING! In two years, when Sarah Palin has stupidly been selected to run against you for the White House, the voters won't say "Oh, that's right, we're in a federal deficit because the GOP decided to keep spending and Mr. Obama TRIED to tell them, but eventually decided it would be a good life lesson for the GOP and, ultimately, us if the republicans were allowed to make mistakes and realize they're not perfect. I'll re-elect Obama because he's like a responsible father for the nation." No. They're going to say "Obama fucked it up!"...and in South Carolina and Texas, they'll add "Because he's black." President Obama spoke later and said "We don't negotiate with hostage-takers (referring to the GOP)...unless there's a threat of violence against the hostages (referring to the American people)." Um...wait, what??? And in other news, we DO negotiate with terrorists. Ridiculous!
*sigh* Okay, in other sad news this week, John Edwards finally killed Elizabeth Edwards. Sure he didn't do it DIRECTLY, but we all know it was the shock of seeing who it was he cheated on her with. But I have to say, I think the Associated Press tried a little too hard to bring up the bad blood on their national wires this week:
I'm pretty sure Rielle Hunter was reclining in SEVERAL of those GQ pictures. Couldn't have held off on that particular feature story for a day or two, Associated Press?
Do you text? Then I'm sure at one point or another, the auto-correct function on your phone has hosed you. You try to type "I'm hungry for a meal" and the phone mistakenly writes "I'm hungry for a male." Hilarity ensues. Well, there's a blog dedicated to these mishaps called damnyouautocorrect.com. Consider it an IMMEDIATE friend of the show.
Speaking of social networking, a new study came out recently on the number of people who use the much-maligned-by-Thinking-Hard network Twitter. The Pew Research Center found that 6% of all Americans use Twitter. In the battle of the sexes, 10% of women use Twitter, while only 7% of men do, thus proving that women think their lives are so important that other people MUST know about them. Of the races, 18% of Twitter users are hispanic, 13% black and only 5% white. And 0.0001% of those users is a TV anchor who writes every other Twitter message starting with "OH MY GWAD, YOU GUYS! WHY DON'T YOU LIKE AVATAH???"
And in other obnoxious phenomena, did you know there's a new game on the iPod/iPad based on the classic 80s cartoon "The Smurfs"? For those of you who don't remember, The Smurfs was a show about slavery, where a king of this race of little blue people (who, with perverse joy, demanded the others call him "Papa") forced his minions to work all day collecting valuable "smurfberries," while he started his own harem with the only woman of the people. They even had a "language" of sorts, though, how can you really consider it a language when the word "smurf" is used in lieu of about 90% of the english language. Anyway, there's a new game on the iPod/iPad about the lives of these slaves. It doesn't cost anything to PLAY, but you CAN buy in-game items to help make the game go faster. Which makes it a GREAT idea to hand to a 5-year-old child who knows nothing about the current rate of exchange. Well, how bad can these items really be? Let's see...a wheelbarrow...SIXTY BUCKS???? FOR A WHEELBARROW?? IN A VIDEO GAME??? What mothersmurfer thought THAT was a good idea????
Anyway, thanks for joining me for this third anniversary post. I'm heading home for the holidays this week, but I'll try to drop a blog or two while I'm there. For anyone who won't be checking in for a while, from all of us (me) at Thinking Hard, have a very blessed and joyous holiday season.
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