Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wikileaks Called...They Won't Post My Blog Because It's Too Embarrassing

Hey, do you like paying more taxes? No? Congress says: too bad. After the House of Representatives approved a bill to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the low- and middle-class, but not the wealthy (yes, Mr. Wickersham, $250k IS considered "wealthy"...even if it's you), the Senate voted on the bill Saturday and denied it. That's despite support from 53 democrats. Look, republicans, can we have a chat?...SERIOUSLY??? You want to fuck Americans because YOU don't want to have to pay taxes on all that lobbying money you're getting in office??? Look, I knew you were corrupt and evil and greedy bastards, but even THIS is pushing it! And that just COMPOUNDS the bad news for the nation, considering the latest unemployment numbers show the highest national rate of unemployment in SEVEN MONTHS! Hey, Johnny No-Job...happy fucking holidays! Hope you didn't put any of your family's presents on that credit card because the job market just punched you in the face...and Congress kicked you in the dick while you were down! I'll be avoiding the Sunday morning news shows because all republicans are going to say is "Obama isn't doing what's right for America." Hey, republicans, you want to ingratiate yourselves with voters before your anticipated upheaval of the White House in 2012? Start by HELPING OUT THE VOTERS! I understand wanting to throw your weight around since you haven't been in control of any part of Congress for a few years, but THIS ISSUE?? REALLY??? Why not pick another issue? Like what John McCain is working on. In fact, with all the problems in Washington, let's see what life WOULD have been like if voters had picked the OTHER guy for president:

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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
America's Tweetheart
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Well, at least Palin knows how to whore herself out...and passed along that genetic trait to her daughter. Say, while we're talking about people who REALLY need to stop tweeting (Melissa, I'm glancing in YOUR direction), you all remember Kanye West, right? He's that performance artist who claims to be a singer, but just babbles things incoherently at the most inopportune times. Kinda like a black Borat. Well, he's CLEARLY not going to stay off Twitter. Fortunately, SOMEONE found a way for us to enjoy his tweets...

Just head to to check out more of the adorable tweets. While YOUR tweets will probably never be reenacted by children, there IS something unique you CAN do with your tweets. If you send your tweet to @TalayRobot the tweet will be sent to a robotic arm at Sony Music's London studio. An HD camera will record the arm doing its thing and a soundtrack will be added...then the tweet will be sent back to you! Looks a little something like this:

While we're on the topic of social networking, word came out this week there's a show in development based on the more recent social network, foursquare. Yes, FOURSQUARE is getting a TV show!!! Again I ask: WHERE IS THINKING HARD'S SHOW????

Finally, I received word this week that former "Walker, Texas Ranger" star Chuck Norris was made an HONORARY Texas Ranger this week! (Seriously, Texas? Too much time on your hands?) Bad guys, beware! I learned from the internets that Chuck Norris can travel through time by running 88 miles per hour. (also, if you're looking for that perfect holiday gift, will put a Chuck Norris fact on a t-shirt and sell it to you...I wonder if I can get one with a Sarah Palin tweet on it)


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