Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'd Like Some Frequent Flyer Miles To Bangkok

Hello, Hard Thinkers. Thanks for joining us this week, but I'll have to make this fast. I REALLY want to book a flight to Asia on an airline called Cathay Pacific. The airline is in the middle of a major scandal in which pictures were leaked (no pun intended) of a flight attendant giving a pilot oral sex mid-flight. But hey, we're classy here at Thinking Hard, so instead of JUST showing you pictures of the incident, we're going to show you the amazing Taiwanese computer animation re-enactment (this IS safe-ish for work, but you might decide to hold off until you're in a public library, just to be safe):

(That is SO much more amusing in a foreign language.) Also, in case you were curious, the airline DOES have a frequent flyer program...they call it Marco Polo. Most. Interesting game of Marco Polo. Ever.

Hey, a recap from last week...Stephen Colbert sold his Rick Parry (the "A" is for America...yes, he and I both know Rick's last name is spelled P-E-R-R-Y) campaign ad to my old station in Des Moines...and then the bosses at my old station decided not to run with the ad. Obviously this sat well with Colbert, who made fun of the station for mentioning the ad for FREE during a newscast AND calling out reporter Katie Eastman for her "news story" about a large yard sale. Well, now Colbert wants Eastman to join his cause and some posters on her Facebook page also want her to join in the fun. I should warn Ms. Eastman...WOI is NOT a station where any kind of fun can be had. I guarantee if she responds in any way, she'll be canned. So Colbert also decided to call out the station's GM, Ray Cole:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Super PAC - Stephen Apologizes to WOI in Des Moines
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

Wait, wait, I understand we're now going LIVE to WOI for an update...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Colbert Super PAC - PARRY-with-an-A-GATE! - Day 6 - WOI in Des Moines Reports
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

I tell you, this is the most PR WOI has gotten in the past 20 years. Down side: no one there is smart enough to use it correctly. (but to be fair, it is GREAT to see John Walters say "My bad" on Colbert!) Seriously, I'm shocked as shit to see the management allowed the news team to do the Colbert segment.

While we're talking about politics, let's touch on the second-place winner in the Ames Straw Poll. What's that? You say you DON'T know who that is because NO ONE talked about him this week? Here, let me help:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2012 - Corn Polled Edition - Ron Paul & the Top Tier
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

I'm not even a republican, but I think that's almost as ridiculous as a politician showing up to do an interview about a new book, but is completely unprepared to talk about ANYTHING in that book:

O'Donnell's response for walking off Morgan's show: it was borderline sexual harassment. Classy. You're right, Christine, you're not a witch. You're a bitch.


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