Sunday, June 17, 2012

Now THAT'S What I'm Talking About!

Great job, everyone! You produced enough batshit-crazy stuff for me to actually use in the blog this week! Many thanks! I'm doubling your pay. Let's see...multiply 0 by 2...carry the 0...subtract 0 for, I'll work it out. Let me start this week by saying: "Really, Zynga?" The game Draw Something, which is essentially based on the board game and game show Pictionary or the other game show Win, Lose or Draw, is coming to CBS as a game show. So let me get this straight...the game based on a game show is coming to TV as a game show. Right. Who's producing that thing?....oh, great, it's Seacrest. Well, good luck to you sir. If it turns out the way I have played Draw Something, people will draw incoherent lines and write out actual words...but they'll stop after the second show because the contestants will be bored with the same words over and over again. Shit you not, I have 8 games started...only about 2 of those people still draw for me. COME BACK, FRIENDS! I'm thinking about writing my first fantasy novel. In it, two young knights will battle over the right to go after a villainous five-headed beast. One knight has already fought it and won...the other just wants to fuck it. Sir Drake and Sir Chris Brown will use bottles instead of swords to attack each other...the winner goes on to do whatever they want to the Fiveheaded Rihannorc. (Work with me's fiveheaded because the forehead is just too big to be fourheads) Hey, John Edwards got off on all of the rest of his criminal charges. It must be REALLY easy for that guy to get off...did you SEE his wife OR his mistress??? Big ups to President O this week for essentially giving more undocumented immigrants the ability to seek a fulfilling life in the U.S. No jokes here. Just thought it was a nice gesture. I was hoping Greece would let me in...but that's before they fucked up their economy. Gee, that sounds an awful lot like the U.S. waitaminute.... Anyone following the latest banking problems in the U.S.? JP Morgan dropped billions of dollars on bad trades over the course of about a month earlier this year. This week, the head of the bank was called to testify before Congress. You know these hearings...they usually involve angry senators yelling and talking about the people giving testimony like they were the worst people in the world. I can't wait to see what they do to this guy...
The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bank Yankers
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The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bank Yankers - Jamie Dimon on Capitol Hill
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Oh. Well, that's easy for Jim DeMint to say since he started the recession. (Never get tired of that guy.) Finally, a TV station in Chicago really wants you to the point that they're being BRUTALLY honest in their latest promo: Dear WGN...HIRE ME! Happy Father's Day. -B-

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