Sunday, June 10, 2012

Suffering From Meh-Lag

Hey, what's up everybody, and welcome back to Thinking Hard. We're even MORE appreciative that you returned since we were off last week. I'll tell you, I was more impressed with the Memphis airport than Detroit...because I could get some Popeye's Chicken. Remember, Popeye's...Louisiana Fast. (No, we're not sponsored by Popeye's, but it occured to me that I could use the spare advertising change. I have car payments.) Sadly, you people did NOTHING in my absence. Here are the big stories: --Author Ray Bradbury died. Sadness. --I'll Have Another drops out just hours before attempting horse racing's triple crown. --Wisconsin's governor survived a recall election. Seriously, people, work with me! I need some chaos! Some excitement! Wait, what's this...Lindsay Lohan in a car accident??? Oo, was she wasted? Did she get out and punch the other driver in the gonads?...WHAT? NOTHING HAPPENED??? Well, what about this thing where Miss Pennsylvania says the Miss USA pageant is rigged and Donald Trump wants to sue her because he's Donald Not worth my time either? Huh. All right, guess we'll go back to that Wisconsin thing...with a catchy title:
The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Madison Men - Scott Walker Prevails in Wisconsin Recall
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook
Really, Lawrence O'Donnell? A victory for OBAMA? What the hell? You people have a week to do something hilarious. Get on it. -B-

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