Why do all the hard thinking yourself? Leave it up to Andy and Blaine!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Camping Outside Paula Broadwell's House
Hey, why waste time setting up a tent that will just get cold at night? Just drive your live news truck to Charlotte, North Carolina, and do what all the cool kids are doing...camp outside Paula Broadwell's house. The live trucks are warmer AND there's a chance of getting high/dead off carbon monoxide leaks.
Yeah, we'll get to the scandal involving General David Petraeus in just a moment. But first, let's check in with our traffic center. Something tells me this traffic anchor isn't looking all that closely at what's going on behind her...
Yup, all clear. No wrecks to see here.
Speaking of wrecks, anybody been following the David Petraeus scandal? To give you the abridge version of what's been going on...the man who commanded troops in the Middle East resigned from his job as chief of the CIA because of an affair. He's been "linked" (or use whatever double entendre you prefer) in the national media to the woman who wrote his biography, a married mother of 2 children who lives in Charlotte, Paula Broadwell. She's been seen at a family home in Washington, D.C. (despite CONSTANT efforts by the media to stay outside her home in Charlotte, hoping to get some comment/middle finger when she comes home), and Petraeus just testified before Congress Friday behind closed doors. While we don't know what was said, members of Congress planned to focus mainly on the investigation into the U.S. embassy attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed an ambassador and three others. Sources like CNN report the FBI was tipped off to the affair because another woman, who's friends with Petraeus, reported getting harassing emails from Broadwell. There's more to this story, and for that, I'm letting Jon Stewart handle it:
So I guess the big thing that people are using for jokes here is the title of Petraeus' biography..."All In." Yes, it's easy for US, just the casual americans, to snicker and titter at that. Even late-night comedians can enjoy it. But it's another thing ENTIRELY to see this on a TV station's newscast in Denver:
To be fair, that graphics person probably just copied the first image that came up on Google and didn't give it another thought...or read the fine print. I'd imagine that person and the producer will be "All In"...the unemployment line.
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