Sunday, November 4, 2012

So THAT Happened...

What's up and welcome back to Thinking Hard. Hey, we had some unusual weather here this week...some cool temperatures and a light sprinkle. I can't imagine it was worse in any OTHER part of the U.S. Yeah, I'm making a small joke about Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Superstorm Sandy. Look, the bottom line is the northeastern U.S. got the shit kicked out of it by Mother Nature. Subway tunnels flooded, power plants exploded, entire parts of New York are STILL in darkness. I vote we refer to Sandy as "Shitstorm Sandy" from here on out. Or maybe Gangnam-storm... Yeah, okay, that'll be enough of that. The storm was nuts and all (one) of us (me) here at Thinking Hard sends our (my) well-wishes and support to the storm victims, both in the northeast and the Caribbean. And how weird is it that it happened so close to Election Day? It's like the nation needed a reminder that President Obama still kinda knows what he's doing. One of my favorite messages of support that the job the President is doing came from a very unlikely source:
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Side note: I REALLY want a sign language translator for Thinking Hard. I know what you're thinking, that deaf people can still READ. But I tend to want to buy things I don't really need just because I think they're cool. For example, I own every season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD (Sarah Michelle Gellar, call me). So let's see where that show's creator, Avengers director Joss Whedon, stands on the presidential election... it. Joss, call me. I desperately want to write for you. Anywho, back to what's important...nerd culture. Did you see George Lucas sold his farm to Disney for $4.1B??? Yes, you read that right. The company that now owns Marvel comics...also owns Indiana Jones and Star Wars! That means two things: 1. No more shitty alien storylines in Indiana Jones movies and 2. New computer for Iron Man's armor: Jar Jarvis. Big shout-out to my buddy Nate for this one: "Mee-suh power at 50 percent!" Speaking of nerdiness, Halloween was this week.. and the person who carved this pumpkin is my hero: All right, now that I've gotten all the geekdom out of my system (sort of), let me point out something very important. By the time you read this blog next week, we will (likely) know who will be President of the United States for the next four years. If the recent polls are any indicator, it's going to be close. Like REALLY close. Like 2000 Bush/Gore close. I won't sit here and espouse my political standings, especially since I received a postcard this week reminding me that I've never voted (funny, they call it an "experiment" and say I was "randomly chosen" for it. Bullshit. I was chosen so they could shame me into casting my vote. Joke's on evidenced in my blogs, I have no shame.). So I'll stick with this: whoever is elected to the White House has a lot of work ahead of him. From 2000 to 2008, a lot of money was spent and the recession started. We're still trying to drag our asses out of said recession. There are still unemployed people and people losing their homes. There are still people fighting in middle eastern countries (notice how we never invade "civilized" societies like Italy or Norway?). The nation is still battered and bruised, and someone has to do something to bring us out of it. So, Mr. President, whoever you may be after January, can I ask you to please go and punch people in Congress so they'll actually get some shit done? Please??? Thanks. I'm tired of being the bad guy. - Ralph, "Wreck-It Ralph" -B-

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