Hey, kids, welcome back to the show. Thanks, as always, for tuning your computer parts to this interweb station for a non-live broadcast of words.
Do you like local TV? Do you like words? Do you enjoy when local TV does things wrong with words? Like spelling the word "chopper" like this: CHOPPE...or spelling the word "pilot" like BILOT? Then you'll appreciate
this post by Buzzfeed. The site collected some of the best on-air misspellings, mis-phrasings and generally just weird graphics from around the world of local news. Here are a couple of my favorites:

I love errata. Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence, what say you?

Ah, she's a tough one to please, that one. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go drink a lot of water.. and filibuster for more than 12 hours. Surely the Senate will listen to ME, right? Things are gonna change, I can feel it. (thanks, Beck)
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