Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's Easter...I'm Gonna Take The Day Off

Hope you guys are enjoying your hidden egg hunts for Easter and whatnot. Welcome back to the blog. And in case you weren't watching TV at all this week, the U.S. Supreme Court spent two days talking about whether gay marriage should be banned across the nation. Tuesday, the justices heard arguments for and against Proposition 8, which became law in California and essentially banned same-sex marriage. Wednesday, they heard arguments about the FEDERAL Defense of Marriage Act, which does the same thing, but on a federal level. For all the opinions I throw out in this forum, today will not be a day I foist my opinion upon you. I will, however, throw out three enjoyable clips from The Daily Show on the subject. It's probably more entertaining if you're for same-sex marriage. But not to exclude anyone from enjoying their God-given right of reading this blog and having a good time, I'll also post a funny moment that made a Washignton reporter look a little like a dick.. and another episode of All-Star Celebrity Bowling that EVERYONE can enjoy. Because, you know, I want to make sure to include EVERYONE. I want everyone to have the same ability to enjoy this blog.. or be miserable reading it. So, here we go... And now to the White House, where NBC correspondent Chuck Todd was allowed to ask A question of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (king of my favorite search It's funnier if you say it out loud. And REALLY emphasize the U.). It looks like Chuck got a little greedy... Ah, Passover jokes. And finally, as promised, here's another installment of All-Star Celebrity Bowling... How does she bowl in those STOCKINGS??? Also, if you're not watching Doctor Who, you're missing out on some reasonably-explained sci-fi with a lot of humor and heart. I highly recommend it. But start with David'll be easier than jumping right into Matt Smith's portrayal. Excelsior! -B-

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