Sunday, April 7, 2013

This is Post #299...We're Almost to #300!

My friends have difficulty understanding why I don't spend any time on Facebook or Twitter. Allow me to address them separately, because they kind of ARE separate. Twitter is for the bite-sized nuggets of updating you would expand for Facebook. So, Twitter...I know I wouldn't HAVE to post continuous updates, but I get the sense I would post them anyway. I'm a little OCD like that. Better to know my weaknesses and work around them. Besides, how many of you out there REALLY give a crap about what I'm doing every hour of every day? That's what this blog is for. Facebook, on the other hand, gives better updates on what my friends are doing. But I find some of their updates are frustrating for one reason or another. For example, I read yesterday that my friend recently got her ex. Six months ago. No one bothered to text or call or send an invite...which is fine, since I already gave to the couple the first time around. It just caught me off guard. What say you, dear readers? If you broke up with a boyfriend/husband (or girlfriend/wife) because of a fundamental flaw in your relationship (personality conflicts...different needs...different ambitions...catching the other naked with another party...etc.), would you go back to them/take them back? I realize different people work different ways and can more easily forgive others, so that's why I'm not painting any broad strokes here. It just kinda caught me off guard. Also, I guess another one of my friends had a baby. So apparently texts and calls are now passé, and impersonally just throwing shit out there on Facebook and Twitter is the way to go. I do wonder what will end up replacing Facebook and Twitter... Hey, if you have a strong stomach, check out this horrific injury from last weekend's Louisville basketball game in the NCAA tournament.. and be happy they've won their way into the championship game (fair warning, if you haven't seen this already, it IS pretty gruesome): (For the record, there are worse pictures out there of the injury, with BONE sticking out. I'm choosing not to show those here because that's even LESS classy. But those of you who read this blog on a regular basis are pretty used to a certain lack of class, and I think I've reached that aspiration today.) But is it any worse than the basketball footage released of the now-fired Rutgers basketball coach? And is THAT any more disgusting than THIS story? My tax dollars at work. Shit, they should at least have included a provision for what happens if North Korea gets too big for its it's doing now. Okay, gotta take a deep breath. *exhales* It's okay, nothing to get upset about. Not when high school students are going through THIS: Those poor math lab kids. But you know how drugs just cause other problems to multiply. (Yes, it's a math joke. Deal.) Since we're dealing with exploits of nerdiness, let me get one thing out of the way: I. Love. Video games. Always have. And being in my mid-30s, I have watched many video games come and go on several different video game consoles. Allow me then, for a moment, to go retro for a look at classic video game sequels with a great (but short-lived) internet show called Sequelitis (this guy is REALLY entertaining...but it helps if you know the subject matter): Now if you'll excuse me, I'm diagonally-whipped. RIP Roger Ebert. -B-

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