Saturday, March 7, 2009

CNBC-Bashing (and a sack lunch)

Well, North Carolina survived its snowstorm last weekend. Actually, it was the biggest I've seen since I've been here...up to 6 inches! (that's what she said) Tomorrow, it's going to be almost 80 degrees. And people wonder why my sinuses have left the building...

So, John McCain's daughter is writing a blog about her personal life, politics and dating (how original...I hear she called it "Thinking Hardly with Meghan McCain). To be totally fair, she's cute and if I didn't know her father was older than dirt, I'd probably buy her a drink. According to her blog, that's where things would go wrong: "nothing kills my libido quite like discussing politics." Humma-what???

Yeah, apparently Daughter Time (whose father would then be...come ON people, keep up!) is having trouble finding a guy she's interested in. Apparently she's turned off by Obama supporters AND McCain supporters. Check out this date she went on:

Nothing makes me more ill than the idea of some guy bragging to his friends that he was going to go on a date with “John McCain’s daughter.” (Unfortunately this has happened more times than I would like to count and each time I can sense it within the first 30 seconds of meeting them.) One extreme fan of my mother’s recently told me I could be “his Cindy.” And then asked me if I ever wore pearls because they probably would look as good on me as they do on my mother. No, I'm not kidding. Any guy that has a fetish for older women in pantsuits and large pearls obviously only finds my last name attractive about me.

Also, if you're looking for cheesy lines on a date with Meg McCain, here's what you should avoid:

Once I went out with a guy who said the food I had ordered was a “maverick choice” and proceeded to tell me, “Wow, straight talking must run in the family.” It’s like someone taking Lisa Marie Presley out on a date and singing “Hound Dog” in the middle of dinner.

Actually, I feel bad for her. Dating is hard anyway, let alone if you're the daughter of the guy who lost to "that one." So, guys, dating advice for Meghan McCain...avoid talking politics. Or war. Or pearl necklaces...

Speaking of parents and their children, I've added a special "Friend of the Show." A guy is showing pictures on his blog of his children's lunchbags. Here's the thing...he draws and colors the pictures on the bags ON HIS LUNCH BREAK AT WORK! Such a huge effort for something that his children might not be old enough to cherish...and might just throw away. You really have to check out the detail on these bags. Just click on "Lunch Bag Art"...when you're done reading this blog, of course.

Hey, anybody watch the Bachelor lately? Some people are pissed off because this single father asked a woman to marry him on the final episode...then weeks later broke it off on national television and asked one of his other "castoffs" to be with him instead. Stay tuned for ABC's newest reality show, "Sloppy Seconds."

I've been getting a lot of response from readers about who I should enter into this year's "Hottest Mess" tournament. Last year's winner, Angelina Jolie, still has not responded to let me know if she's coming. She and Brad must be busy, spending all their time with television interviews about their Oscar wins...oh, wait, that's right, THEY DIDN'T WIN. Stay tuned for ABC newest reality show starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, "Sloppy Seconds."

Moving ahead, Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger is planning to write a memoir. You might not have heard of this guy...apparently he landed a plane safely in the Hudson River recently. I'm kidding. EVERYONE has heard of this guy. Now, it's gone from a "Miracle on the Hudson" to a real "Cirque du Sully."

Hey, that sounds like something you'd see on The Daily Show. That brings me back to the title of this blog..."Don't Fuck With The Daily Sh.." Oh, wait,'s "CNBC-Bashing." I don't know if you saw it or not, but CNBC (known for its accurate reporting that there's nothing wrong with the economy and we should all rush right out and buy stocks like they're bottles of spoiled milk, just taking up space in the refrigerated section of your local grocer) recently had its analyst, Rick Santelli, on the network and he ripped on President Obama's economic stimulus plan. Santelli was slated to appear on The Daily Show (presumably to answer questions about the tirade) this past Wednesday, but last Friday, CNBC canceled the interview, saying it's time to move on from that story. NOT SO, CNBC! If you can spare the next 8 minutes, PLEASE watch what I would consider is one of the best examples of "Daily Show is more reliable than YOU are" journalism. You're gonna love this:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was the most well-spent 8 minutes and 29 seconds of my life. i laughed the whole time...awesome:)