I would like to touch on an item that made it into last week's blog, a trivial tidbit of news that I almost decided to leave out because no one's talking about. There's apparently some health care reform bill going around Washington, DC, spreading faster than the flu AND the paper money that has traces of cocaine of it (y'know, THAT explains a LOT of the bills I see coming out of congress...). It's a discussion that requires people to READ and PAY ATTENTION at town meetings to learn what's in the bill..and realize a lot of the BS about "death panels" is just hyperbole being spewed by the same people who think President Obama was born in Kenya and not the United States. They also believe everyone's out to get them (but, hell, who's to argue with that?). I've seen all kinds of ridiculous town hall meetings, where lawmakers try to answer questions about the health reform bill, but no one will listen because they're too busy screaming about people killing their grandmas. ENOUGH! They're not doing their own research because they're afraid of the internet. They're not listening at town hall meetings because they're afraid their hearing aids will make them look old and feeble. No, their RANDOM SCREAMING makes them look old and feeble! Earlier this week, President Obama suggested he would take the public-option plan off the table. Okay, fine. Fuck you, old people. When you're shelling out your life savings for prescriptions, doctor's visits and unnecessary procedures from your current PRIVATE doctor, don't come crying to me. And more importantly, don't come crying to Barney Frank:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Barney Frank's Town Hall Snaps | ||||
(I love Barney Frank.)
Do books wrapped in GOAT-SKIN sound like something missing from your current summer reading list? Then run for governor of Alaska! The Associated Press got its grimy, newsprint-covered hands on a disclosure form this week from former-Alaska-governor, former-illiterate, current-bane-of-my-existence Sarah Palin. The form shows gifts she received while in office this year. They include (not making this up) a personalized gun case, a hand-painted plate with Palin's face on it (now available on late-night infomercials) and (again, NOT making this up) A BIBLE BOUND IN GOAT SKIN! Worst Christmas presents ever. Can you imagine Trig's 5th birthday party invitations? "Come on down to the home of the best soccer mom ever, but don't invite the liberal media. We're gonna celebrate Trig's 5th birthday! We'll roast some wolf and play a little "Put The Lipstick On The Pitbull." But you're not allowed to come without at least two dead animals on your shoulder at the door..dontchaknow."
Let's wrap this up with a stroll down memory lane. If you are big into FaceTwit or whatever it's called nowadays (you young'uns and your newfangled interwebs...back in MY day...), you've probably read and sent (REPEATEDLY...stop sending it to me!) the researchers' list of ways to tell you're old...er, rather, the list of research that reflects the current generation gap with this year's high school graduates. You know, it's crap like "They've never heard of Atari." Well, this year's Beloit College study points out that "kids these days" never saw Saved by the Bell on Saturday morning. For that matter, they've always seen NEWS on Saturday mornings. Y'know, I remember the days when I'd get up and watch Scooby-Doo and Saturday Supercade (google it) on Saturday mornings, essentially drying out my brain for any future intelligent endeavors. But hey, it was fun. Then I remember the first time a network put NEWS on a Saturday morning. I believe my exact response was "What the fuck is this???" The networks had betrayed me. All of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons..gone. Ah, those were the days. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a "death panel" to get to.
1 comment:
FINALLY watched the clip...you go Barney Frank!
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