Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm On A Boat

Okay, maybe not a boat, but I AM on vacation. Kicking back in the 60-degree highs of Chicago...SO much more comfortable than the heat and humidity in Charlotte.

Caught a little of the Ted Kennedy funeral coverage. It's hard to believe he's actually gone. Now who's going to drink all of my hard liquor and kill beautiful young women by driving off bridges? I mean, Mark Sanford isn't necessarily stepping up HIS game.

Anyway, you only get a Twitter-sized chunk of the world today because I'm on a, on vacation. But we'll have more fun next week. Now, I have to go referee what sounds like a fight between my sister's two pugs...I wonder if Michael Vick's available.


1 comment:

Kels said...

Oh yeah? Well, it's barely in the 70s here today. So there! Take that!

....yeah, I know. Pretty weak.