Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Holiday" Weekend

Happy Labor Day weekend, everybody. Remember to take time out of your day off to remember those fallen soldiers who work in some industry (*ahem* TV *ahem*) that requires them to work on Labor Day. For those true soldiers, there IS no holiday.

So, in case you missed it, I was on vacation last week in Chicago. You'll recall I spoke of wonderful 60-and-70-degree highs. Well, it turns out I brought that cooler weather back with me. I landed in Charlotte and felt cool, almost FALL-like temperatures! It feels almost like football season! Oh, wait...

Speaking of, college football "kicked off" this weekend. Some teams actually got "the ball rolling" Thursday night...including Oregon and Boise State. Now, you will RARELY find a sports story in this blog anywhere because, frankly, I doubt any of you reading really give a crap about how many RBIs Jerry Hairston, Junior had the night before. But THIS is gold. Somebody PLEASE tell this guy that it's called FOOTBALL, not FISTBALL:

That guy really has an axe to grind. Oh, that reminds me...I will never see anything as surreal as I saw on I watched my 55- and 56-year-old parents PLAYING GUITAR HERO...SUCCESSFULLY! They played a little "Turn the Page" and "The Boys Are Back In Town" with actual notes coming on the screen. It was so WEIRD. Kind of a special family moment...if I didn't believe I had walked right into the Twilight Zone.

Anyway, I digress. A big story this week out of the entertainment industry: Disney bought Marvel Comics. I'm going to repeat that for those of you shaking your heads in disbelief: Disney. Bought. Marvel. Comics. For some of us, it's reminiscent of the AOL/Time Warner buyout...or when the WWE bought every single other pro-wrestling outfit, thereby killing the competition. Fortunately, the Disney/Marvel deal doesn't make it a monopoly. It actually opens the door for some awesome marketing ideas. Who DOESN'T want to see Donald Duck team up with The Punisher? The Incredible Goof? The Amazing Spider-Pluto?...huh. Well, I guess we can always hope Wolverine will skewer Mickey Mouse.


1 comment:

jess said...

No, no...wolverine will hook up with minnie mouse and forget his infatuation with jean gray :D