Moving off the topic of race...Michael Jackson's memoir is about to be reissued to bookshelves. Oh, but this time, there's something special planned. A MYSTERY CELEBRITY will write the introduction to the book. Everyone's keeping pretty hush-hush about who it is, except to say that it's a well-known celebrity who knew Jackson well. I'm going with Webster himself, Emmanuel Lewis. It'll probably go something like "I'm the longest sexual relationship he ever had with one person because I looked perpetually like a little boy." Either that or they're going to ask Bubbles the Chimp to fling poo all over the page.
Y'know, it was only a matter of time, but I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner: a woman in New Zealand got pulled over for drunk-driving, and she blamed THE H1N1 VIRUS! She told officers the three glasses of wine she'd just consumed were more potent to her system because she was just recovering from the virus. The judge didn't buy it, saying the H1N1 virus was the "in" submission for defendants in his courtroom. Really?! How many "Not guilty by reason of H1N1" cases go through New Zealand? "Your honor, my client clearly set fire to that farm because he wanted to take revenge on the pig that gave him the virus..." "Well, counselor, if your client hadn't been a pigfucker in the first place, he wouldn't have caught ANYTHING. Instruct him next time to use a condom."
Speaking of disgusting, some librarians in Texas are putting together a calendar that's more "cake" than "beefcake." Yes, they're showing skin on the calendar to raise money for disaster relief for damaged libraries. I checked out some of these women, and I think I'd rather buy a male firefighter calendar. Sure, these ladies have tattoos and are showing a lot of skin, but they're not really pleasant on the eyes and some of them are probably too old to even CONSIDER being in a calendar. I know I'm not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but even I'M not going to buy a book with wrinkly pages! I'm okay with these ladies being leather-bound, but I'd prefer to be talking about their clothes and not their SKIN. And the best part is I went to the Texas Librarians Association website again to get a picture to post here (, and all the pictures have been removed. In fact, the only thing on the page is the words "Move along, nothing to see!" Yeah, no kidding.
UPDATE! Thanks to Katie for offering me the correct link with these lovely ladies of the TLA:

So...does Bubbles contribute to Thinking Hard? ;-) J/k! J/k!
I give it a solid 8 or 9. Insightful...and hi-larious.
I know you were worried that you wouldn't be able to buy a calender now-- so here ya go... They all have tattoos-- and that makes them a *little* redeemingly hot, right? :)
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