Sunday, January 10, 2010

Cialis...For Those Moments When An Underwear Bomb Burns Off Your Penis

Welcome, readers, to what we here at Thinking Hard like to call "The Party." Hope you all got your invites, because there's not much more embarrassing than throwing a party and forgetting to invite people. Well, that and calling someone at the party by the wrong name.

Hey, not sure if you heard, but Kanye West is Mariah Carey's AA sponsor. That would explain why she picked the most INOPPORTUNE time to get hammered...before a movie awards ceremony last weekend...where SHE WON! If you haven't seen the acceptance speech in its entirety, it's "Precious":

Mariah later came up during Nicole Kidman's acceptance speech and said "Yo, Nicole, I'm-a gonna let you finish in a second, but MARIAH CAREY HAD THE GREATEST MOVIE PERFORMANCE OF ALL TIME!" Keep it classy, Mariah. You'll be on Celebrity Rehab in no time.

Speaking of awkward moments involving musicians, you remember the big Adam Lambert controversy a few weeks ago, where he grinded (ground?) a male dancer's face into his crotch during a performance on the American Music Awards on ABC? The Smoking Gun website got its sneaky little hands on some of the actual complaints filed by actual people who actually have nothing better to do with their time than bitch (what were you expecting from a music awards show??? SOBER PEOPLE???). Many people said it was worse than Janet Jackson's nip-slip during the Super Bowl a few years back (I think more men were pleased with THAT performance). One person was upset that Lambert was flaunting his "lesbian rights." Another person didn't have a problem with the grinding, but said "Lambert must no longer be allowed within 200 meters of a microphone." My personal favorite is the person who said "I was tempted to break a window, and then use a piece of glass to slash my throat." Oh, come ON! If ANYONE'S going to enjoy Lambert's performance, it's certainly a drama QUEEN like that!

Speaking of having something explosive in your underwear,

How about that underwear bomber from Christmas Day, huh? Yeah, he's been arrested, indicted and arraigned. That said, why wasn't the attempted attack by (much credit to Saturday Night Live) Wile E. Qaida caught ahead of time?:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Terror 2.0 by Yemen
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Seriously, the federal government missing this guy was about as likely as someone trying to attack the Pope at Christmas mass one year, security stopping her, and then she successfully pulls it off NEXT Christmas! What are the odds of that happe...oh. So, now, what's the future for civil rights of air passengers around the world:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Ideal or No Deal
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

So, it appears the government's New Year's Resolution will be to be more dilligent in protecting Americans flying on planes. Perhaps they'd ALSO like to consider losing a little weight. I have the perfect diet plan:



jess said...

That taco bell commercial makes me sick...literally. "My results aren't typical, but it worked for me" or however she says it.

Kels said...

Thanks. Now it's going to be stuck in my head all day. "Byyy Yemen!"

Anonymous said...

As someone who has never been profiled, strip searched or harassed by the law in any way I must say- keep the profiling coming. I'm find with it- even the colonoscopies.