Sunday, August 15, 2010

Son of the Mosque

Before we get things going today, a quick note...there's a new Friend of the Show. The "Hyperbole and a Half" blog has joined the list. It's humorous, has some crudely drawn (and adorable) cartoons to illustrate points in the blog (like how I dream Thinking Hard should be) and is apparently written (hilariously) by a woman. Y'know, in case there are any women reading this blog...enjoy!

We're going to kick off this week's Thinking Hard with a VERY controversial topic: muslims would like to set up a new mosque (their place of worship) two blocks away from the 9/11 attacks, also known as Ground Zero. The muslims have said they want a mosque there to show their solidarity with americans after the attacks. But people in New York DON'T want it there (shocker). I'm sure the only thing they want from muslims is a hot dog. Anyway, Friday night, President Obama spoke out in favor of the mosque. He said he understood there's still a lot of pain related to Ground Zero (nine years after the fact), but that everyone in the United States should be granted a certain...let's see, how does it go..."Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Oh, wait, I'm sorry...that's just the first amendment of the Constitution. I believe President Obama simply said everyone should be free to practice their own religion. Let's take a closer look at the issue:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Municipal Land-Use Hearing Update
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Stewart went on to point out there's another mosque just FOUR blocks from Ground Zero and people seem to have ignored that in their angry fervor. Look, I'll hopefully never understand the loss that comes with such a violent attack as what happened on 9/11, but holding all muslims accountable for the actions of a few is tough to stomach. Although, to be fair, I do it every day: I think all catholics are busy molesting young altar boys. Anyway, back to my constitutional argument...isn't it funny how and when people quote the constitution?:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
You're Welcome - Constitutional Crisis
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

You know what will solve the problem with government? Putting Levi Johnston in charge. Yes, Bristol Palin's baby-daddy is running for office and you can watch it all unfold on that little box you have in your living room that shows you all the moving pictures and colors. Reality-show cameras are following him around as he considers a run for either mayor or city council in Wasilla, Alaska (hey, they elected Sarah Palin, so apparently ANYBODY can win in Wasilla). What's funnier is the comment from his manager, "Tank" Jones: "People questioned Jesus Christ, so I definitely don't care about these mere mortals questioning Levi Johnston." Really? We're going the Jesus Christ=Levi Johnston route? Riiiight. Say, Levi, if the mayor or city council thing doesn't work out, might I suggest another office: Secretary of (Bristol's) Interior.

Speaking of the Palins (Holly, this blog's for you), a New Hampshire democrat is in some hot water over comments he posted on Facebook. He said a dead Sarah Palin "is more dangerous than a live one." Representative Timothy Horrigan says that's because Palin wouldn't be able to commit any more gaffes. I have to agree. This blog would be a lot more boring without Sarah Palin jokes. Here I was worried about who would take over when Bush left office... (I'm surprised Palin even READS Facebook: "I thought it was a magazine, so I ignored it.")

I feel like I'm ranting a lot today. I just had a long week at work. One day this week, I just decided to say "fuck it all" and here's how I did it:

Okay, so that wasn't me...that was an asian TV stations computer reenactment of Steven Slater's blow-up at the "office" this week on a JetBlue flight. He says he was hit by a piece of luggage on landing in New York. Then police say he berated that passenger on the plane's PA system (listen again in the clip for the bleeps), grabbed a cold one (read: beer) from the plane's beverage cart, launched an emergency slide from the plane and slid out to hop in his car and drive home (apparently to his bare-chested lover, according to the animation). Police arrested him at the home. I, on the other hand, had to deal with THIS conversation with a "customer" of my "company" late one night this week:

"Customer": Can you tell me where in the sky I should look to see the meteor shower?

Me: I'm being told that the best viewing is in the northeast sky.

"Customer": Where is that?

Me: (pause) The...NORTHEAST...PART...of the sky. In the northeast?

Oh my God, PLEASE punch me in the face until I die from it. Or at least give me something like THIS to do:




1 comment:

Juan Doe said...

You really aren't helping with making the whole Stephen/Steven Slater just GO AWAY! When will it end? Really. Get over this people.

Anyway, have a better week at work and "fuck all."