Sunday, September 5, 2010

Live From Chicago

What's up, Hard Thinkers, and welcome to this special vacation edition of the blog. I'm writing from the Windy City as I wrap up my holiday weekend with the family. Woke up to 50-degree temperatures...that's right, be jealous.

Please welcome a new Friend of the Show: The "Unnecessary Quotes" Blog. I noticed the creator signed a book deal and the book is now available at area bookstores. So, go "enjoy!"

Hey, no Sarah Palin jokes today, but I saw a fun little story about this week's punching bag, Lindsay Lohan. The girl is finally out of rehab after spending a FULL two weeks there...and Jerry Lewis is speaking out about it. Yes, the guy who's best known for the MDA telethon and his black-and-white comedies is telling us what HE thinks about LiLo...because we obviously care. He says if he ever met Lohan, he'd smack her in the mouth, then turn her over his knee and spank her. Funny, she normally has to BEG someone to do that to her...

Big governor's race in Arizona...and the politicians will say ANYTHING for a vote. Take this moment from a recent debate with Arizona's incumbent republican governor...

Perhaps it's the things you DON'T say that get you elected...let me call Alvin Greene and check on that...

Check this out: a homeless guy broke into a home in Oregon, then called 911, identified himself as the sheriff and asked for medical assistance. He told investigators he'd been in the home's hot tub for about ten hours and his towels got wet. THIS is what he asked for: "I just need a hug and a warm cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it." Wow, Levi Johnston's really let himself go.

See you back in NC!


your mom said...

"See" you' back in "NC," "Sir".
Hope you had "fun" in Chicago. Come on back to the "fun" in NC.

Kels said...

Pssshhht. In the mountains, *I* woke up to mid-50s. So :-P Keep your Windy City!

your mom said...

i also like this site:
they have tons of "fun" things they have found.

Hillary Kitten said...

Q. Why did Sarah Palin write her debate notes on her hands?

A. She would have voided her warranty if she had tried to remember them.