Sunday, March 1, 2009

The "Fairer Sex" Angers Me

Let's start with your weather forecast...

It's March 1 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and our meteorologists are predicting severe weather, so of course we're expecting...

WHAT??? What the f*** do you mean SNOW?!? Well, I guess that's what I get for golfing on January 23rd and bragging to my friends and family. Who says there's no such thing as global warming?

As I "anxiously" await our next snowfall (F-U, Mother Nature), I'd like to briefly revisit a topic from a previous post...Nadya Suleman, the so-called "octo-mom" and favorite in this year's "Hottest Mess" tournament. So, I heard this week that someone offered her a contract to appear in an adult film. Of course she's going to sign because, quite frankly, she needs the cash and apparently doesn't give a crap about what she's doing "down there" anyway. I heard she could sign on for a SERIES of the films..."Suleman," "Suleman 2," "Suleman 3," and "Suleman 4: The Quest for a Piece." Of course, that last film will mostly be forgotten by fans of the franchise until years later when Angelina Jolie takes over the role in "Suleman Returns." (Hey, don't other options for movie titles were "Not Another Fourteen Movie" and "He's Just, Nadya, That Into You" personal favorite)

Also, while I'm on the topic of movies, I found out this week that Hollywood is planning remakes of "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Neverending Story." Hollywood and I are officially not speaking to each other.

I DID catch parts of the Academy Awards last Sunday night. Bad year to be nominated in the Best Supporting Deceased Actor category...Heath Ledger was the shoo-in. Seriously, I was MORE surprised to see Angelina Jolie show up at the ceremony and NOT look like she'd spent the day on crack. (This blog sponsored by Jennifer Aniston.)

But I have to commend the filmmakers behind "Slumdog Millionaire." Eight Oscars, including Best Director and Best Picture...congratulations! I also am digging that song from the movie, "Jai Ho," which I believe means "Would you kindly move your car from this parking spot so that I may pull in?" I also read this week that the Pussycat Dolls are remixing it...they'll probably have to call it "Jai Hos."

Bring on the snow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, your last blog before this was sponsored by the "ladies" (let's use that term loosley) of the view. This one was sponsored by Jennifer Aniston. Is the economy so bad that you need celeb sponsorships just to keep Thinking Hard going?

As for the snow, believe it or not, I wish I was there for all the fun and action. Maybe if I click my heels three times and say "There's no place like WSOC, there's no place like WSOC..."